Prediction: Dems will endure voters’ wrath in 2020 – OneNewsNow

After enjoying gains in the 2018 midterms, Democrats will pay dearly in 2020 for their impeachment push, predicts a longtime tea party activist.

Far-left Democrats successfully pushed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to support impeachment, and Democrats approved articles of impeachment despite the fact that nearly three dozen freshmen members of the caucus represent districts that voted for Trump in 2016.

Tom Zawistowski, president of the We the People Convention, insists the 2018 elections favored Democrats because Republican turnout was weak, and he predicts 2020 will be different.

In a presidential election, the turnout is going to be overwhelming, he tells OneNewsNow. There will be way more Trump people out to vote. So those people probably wouldn't have won anyway in 2020, even though they won in '18, and if they vote to impeach, they're going to be toast."

In an online commentary at American Greatness, Conrad Black says the American voters, not Democratic lawmakers, will determine Trumps re-election.

The Democrats started late, after years of huffing and puffing, he writes. They failed to impress anyone, came up empty, produced and passed a pack of lies as an argument for impeachment.

Zawistowski points out that several freshman House Democrats have been shouted down at town hall meetings by angry constituents, which he says is not typical behavior for conservatives despite what Democrats may say.

We're generally too busy working, he says. We're too busy taking care of our families, and our employees, and our customers to do this kind of stuff.

So the lesson for Democrats, he adds, is they pushed too far and frustrated Americans are pushing back.

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Prediction: Dems will endure voters' wrath in 2020 - OneNewsNow

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