Reality Check: Jeff Johnson And The Tea Party

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MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) Independent Minnesota political groups are spending a fortune on television ads this campaign season.

Theyre branding GOP gubernatorial candidate Jeff Johnson as a tea party Republican.

The ads are relentless, and ominous.

Im a teacher, but Im also a mom, said Laura Livermore, who is featured in one of the ads. Thats why Im so worried about tea party Republican Jeff Johnson.

Only one problem: Johnson says hes not a tea party member.

Im not a member, but I dont know you have membership, nor do they endorse by the way, Ive been told that, Johnson said. Nor did I ask for their endorsement.

But the reality is Johnson appeared numerous times at tea party meetings, documented by the online political blog

And a Democratic video at a tea party event shows that he calls himself a tea party member, and sought tea party endorsement.

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Reality Check: Jeff Johnson And The Tea Party

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