Tea Party Express chair to step down

The chairwoman of the Tea Party Express is stepping down after being involved with the influential organization since 2009, saying she plans to get involved in Senate primary races.

Amy Kremer announced in a statement Friday that she felt it was the right time to move on.

This has been a really difficult decision for me, but the time has come for me to leave Tea Party Express, Kremer said in a statement from Kentucky. Ive wanted to move in a different direction for a while, but also wanted to make sure that any change I make was also a positive change for the conservative movement. So as we move into this election cycle, I think the time is right.

Kremer cited her experience as one of the members of the first Tea Party Express tour and as a founder of the movement, saying her next project would keep me working in that movement. Saying she couldnt yet go into specifics, the statement said she would be on the ground in Senate primaries.

The resignation is effective immediately, she said.

Kremer told CNN, which first reported the news, she wants to focus her efforts on Kentuckys Senate race, where she is working with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnells primary challenger, Matt Bevin.

Instead, the Tea Party Express will be in Florida supporting a candidate in the special election for a House seat, one that Kremer said should take a backseat to a Senate race.

Kremer said the split happened on good terms and she will also be involved in other GOP primaries around the country.

While the tea party generally is not isolated to one organization, the Tea Party Express has been a major player in the upstart conservative movement since its beginnings before the 2010 elections.

Kremer got involved in the movement in 2009 and helped found the Atlanta Tea Party and Tea Party Patriots, later joining Tea Party Express. Her move caused a rift with Tea Party Patriots, and they ousted her from their board of directors. The split has spurred an ongoing legal battle between Kremer and the group.

Originally posted here:
Tea Party Express chair to step down

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