Tea Party | Join the Movement. Support Tea Party.

The Tea Party are those who possess a strong belief in the Judeo-Christian values embedded in our great founding documents. We believethe responsibility of our beloved nation isetchedupon the hearts of true Patriots from every race, religion, national origin, and walk of lifesharing a common belief in the values which made and keep our beloved nation great. This belief led to the creation of the modern-day Tea Party.

Our millions of members consist of Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, and Independents who identify with the premises set forth by the U.S. Constitution and we are striking a chord and ringing true with the American Spirit.

We stand by the Constitution as inherently conservative.

We serve as a beacon to the masses who have lost their way, a light illuminating the path to the original intentions of our Founding Fathers.

We must have a choir of voices declaring America must stand on the values which made us great, only then will the politically blind see and deaf hear!

The rest is here:
Tea Party | Join the Movement. Support Tea Party.

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