Tea Party of the Left: Democrats Plan Nationwide ‘Tax Marches’ to Demand Trump Tax Returns – Breitbart News


We need a president who works for all Americans, and a tax system that does too. Release your tax returns and commit to a fair tax system for the American people, a statement from the events website reads.

It continues: President Trump needs to be straight with the American people. To whom does he owe favors? Who are his policies really intended to benefit? Who will he put first? Working families are struggling to make ends meet, but we pay our fair share in taxes does Donald Trump pay any at all?

Over 60 left-wing groups, includingMoveOn.org, Communications Workers of America, American Federation of Teachers, Americans for Tax Fairness, Indivisible, the Sunlight Foundation, and the Bernie Sanders spin-off group Our Revolution, will participate in the march.

In Washington D.C, participants will begin their rally by the Capitol and move towardsTrump International Hotel and the IRS building.

International marchesare also planned, with scheduled events in the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany and New Zealand.

According to Axios, the timing of the marchdeliberately coincides with the eight year anniversary of the mass Tea Party rallies, which took place 15th April 2009 to oppose Barack Obamas$787 billion stimulus package and $3.5 trillion budget.

Last month, progressive MSNBC talk show host Rachel Maddowunveiled a copy of Donald Trumps tax returns from 2005, which revealedthat Trump had paid $38 million in income taxes on $150 million that year.

As part of his plan to reinvigorate small business and stagnant economic growth, Trumphas pledged to cut taxes and regulation massively, although Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has warned that tax reform is unlikely to be completed before August.

You can follow Ben Kew on Facebook, on Twitter at @ben_kew,oremail him at bkew@breitbart.com

Original post:
Tea Party of the Left: Democrats Plan Nationwide 'Tax Marches' to Demand Trump Tax Returns - Breitbart News

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