Tea Party Patriots’ Jenny Beth Martin: ‘President Should be Acquitted with New Witnesses or Without’ – CNSNews.com

Jenny Beth Martin (Screenshot)

President Donald Trumps impeachment is a sham, from start to finish,Tea Party Patriots Co-Founder and Honorary Chair Jenny Beth Martin writes in a commentary published Wednesday in USA Today.

Even before the one-sided House impeachment inquiry, Martin has been calling for the Senate to immediately vote to dismiss without a trial articles of impeachment againt President Trump, if the House votes to approve them.

But, if the Senate is determined to try the case, Martin says the Republcan-controlled Senate should not grant Democrats demands for more witnesses. Both the House and Senate should work with the same set of facts, she writes:

So, what would be fair in the Senate? Democrats demand for witnesses who didnt testify in the House is ludicrous. A majority of the House impeached the president based on the evidence that was presented. Thats the evidence that should be presented to the Senate no more, no less.

However, if Republicans do cave to Democrats demands, then, for the sake of fairness, Trumps team should be allowed to call the witnesses he was denied in the House like the whistleblower, Hunter Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and House Intel Chair Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) Martin says.

In either case, Trump should be acquitted, she concludes:

This entire episode is a sham, from start to finish. In the interests of fairness, the president should be acquitted with new witnesses or without.

Read Martins full commentary, Impeachment inquiry is a sham, from start to finish: Tea Party Patriots co-founder, at USA Today.

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Tea Party Patriots' Jenny Beth Martin: 'President Should be Acquitted with New Witnesses or Without' - CNSNews.com

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