Tea Party Super PAC Endorses Donald Trump – Breitbart

On the question of whether to support Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund the Super PAC affiliated with the largest tea party organization in the country has made its choice, Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund (TPPCF) chairman Jenny Beth Martin explained in a statement issued on Thursday.

Hillary Clinton stands opposed to everything the Tea Party stands for, on the policy, political, and personal fronts. Donald Trump, on the other hand, has pledged to fight to uphold our core values. In making a choice between the two of them, there is really no choice at all we choose Trump.

The Super PACplans to get out the vote for the Republican nominee and Republican Senate candidates in four key states: Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida and North Carolina.

According to a press release, TPPCFhas more than57,000 supporters in the state of Pennsylvania. It also has more than 48,000 supporters in Ohio and at least 37,000 supporters in North Carolina. In Florida, the organization has more than 97,000 supporters.

Martin slammed Clinton for believing more government solves public policy problems.

She takes the same dim view of the Constitutions limits on government (and, specifically, the executive) taken by the current president, Martinblasted.


[Clinton]supports President Obamas disastrous nuclear deal with Iran, wants to double down on his unconstitutional executive amnesty including full citizenship for illegal immigrants and wants to increase President Obamas limit for accepting Syrian refugees by more than 500 percent. And while we dont know who would be the liberal extremists she would try to jam through a Democrat-controlled Senate to put on the federal bench, including the Supreme Court, we know they would be extreme and out of touch with constitutionally limited government.

Martinalso said she believes that Clintons policies would result in more division, not less.

She went on toattack Clintons honesty and her [commingling] of official State Department business with Clinton Foundation and other personal business, she chose to put Americas national security at risk by employing an illegal, unsecured private server to host her official emails, many of which contained classified information, and then lied repeatedly about it, and is still lying about it.

Simply put, America cannot afford a Hillary Clinton presidency, Martin declared.

Her organizations members care about the future of the Supreme Court, fighting terrorism, tax reform, repealing the Affordable Care Act, securing the border and the increasing federal debt.

Martin added:

The simple fact is this: With a Republican House and a Republican Senate and Donald Trump in the White House, Tea Party members and supporters will be far more likely to see our preferred policy choices enacted into law: We are far likelier to see the future of the Supreme Court protected, the borders secured, terrorism fought effectively, ObamaCare repealed, the national debt reduced, and the tax code reformed in such a way that the economy is energized and job growth soars.Consequently, Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund endorses Donald Trump for President.

An endorsement, by itself, is not enough, sheconcluded. We are not sitting idly by while our nations future is at stake. We are taking action. We have launched our March to Victory to mobilize our grassroots and get out the vote in key states, with the goal of helping to defeat Hillary Clinton and maintain control of the Senate.


See the article here:
Tea Party Super PAC Endorses Donald Trump - Breitbart

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