The Education of Byron Donalds, the Right-Wing Fringe’s Newest Star – The New Republic

In his third year of college, Donalds realized he had to turn his life around. When he learned he could transfer his credits to Florida State University but leave his GPA behind, he jumped at the opportunity. He joined a business fraternity and met a woman named Erika, who invited him to visit her church. He accepted, and within those walls found the purpose hed been searching for. The experience led, indirectly, to Donalds pledging his life to Christ in a Cracker Barrel parking lot during an unauthorized shift break. Donalds graduated from FSU with degrees in marketing and finance and a serious relationship. Two years after Erika took him to church, Byron took her back there, and the pair were married in 2003.

Erika and Byron found high-paying jobs in the finance sector, settled down in Naples, and had three children. Through God, hard work, and a good private school education, the kid from Brooklyn had achieved the American dream. Translating those ideas into political action didnt begin until 2008, when the financial crash hit. I turned on the House Financial Services Committee one day, and I was pissed, he told The Daily Signal. I was like, Who are these people? They dont know what theyre talking about.

Cable news pundits didnt seem to know what they were talking about either. A friend advised listening to Mark Levin, a radio talk show host whom Sean Hannity calls The Great One and Rolling Stones Peter Wade called a bomb-throwing Trump sycophant. The more Donalds listened, the more sense Levin made. He began to read books Levin recommended: Bastiat, Locke, Montesquieu. He changed his voting registration to Republican, threw in with the Tea Party, and never looked back.

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The Education of Byron Donalds, the Right-Wing Fringe's Newest Star - The New Republic

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