The Tea Party and the Trump Inauguration – Institute for Research & Education on Human Rights News

While Tea Party groups are generally praising Donald Trump following his inauguration as President, not all are in accord. Moreover, the praise of Trump is diametrically opposed to the view top Tea Party leaders voiced during the GOP primary.

A debate is underway inside Tea Party Nation (TPN) about the Trump Presidency. While TPN leader Judson Phillips wrote on January 20 that he was part of the Never Trump movement during the campaign, he has now changed his tune. Donald Trump won and started acting like a conservative, says Phillips. The TPN leader continues,

Conservatives, who are still members of the Never Trump crowd have berated Trump since his election. Shortly after being sworn in, President Trump issued some executive orders. He is freezing regulations. He issued an executive order directing the administration to unwind regulations created by Obamacare to help businesses and individuals. The White House website now touts the new administrations support for law enforcement as well as support for the Second Amendment. What here isnt good enough?

As Judson Phillips sees it, Conservatives have two choice (sic) here. We can work with the administration, when it is right, and we can advance a conservative agenda. Or, we can simply go sit in the corner, like spoiled, petulant children and accomplish nothingI vote for working with President Trump and his administration when they are right.

Apparently one of those spoiled, petulant children, Rev. Larry Wallenmeyer, a TPN blogger, attacked Trump on January 21 from a Christian Nationalist standpoint:

I am a Constitutional-Conservative, i.e. meaning Principled Conservatism defined and restricted by Americas Founding Documents as written by Americas Founding FathersBUT ABOVE THAT I AM A BIBLICAL-CHRISTIAN, i.e. meaningThe Bible Is my sole authority on ALL things spiritual, doctrinal, cultural, moral, philosophical and political.I can NOT and will NOT budge from these common, foundational precepts and principles, to compromise is a sin as a Christian, and treason as a Patriot [Capitals in original].

Posting material on the TPN website assailing Trump for committing adultery and generally being immoral, Wallenmeyer writes We should NOT support anyone, regardless of party who is as immoral, corrupt, dishonest, vile, arrogant, proud, vulgar, and leans as hard left as DT does.

Conversely, in a January 20 statement, Tea Party Patriots President and co-founder Jenny Beth Martin unequivocally praised the reality TV President:

Tea Party Patriots and our network of supporters across the nation congratulate President Donald Trump on his inauguration as the 45th President of the United StatesAmericans elected President Trump because they sincerely believe he is the right leader to Make America Great Again and he will do this by putting the interests of our country and its citizens first. We look forward to the opportunity to work with President Trump and the Republican majorities in Congress to repeal Obamacare and replace it with a new system that prioritizes freedom over government control, secure our borders, reduce the size and scope of government while balancing our budget, and enacting an America First trade policy.

Martins statement reverses her opinion held during the Republican primary. Recall that Martin denounced Trump in no uncertain terms at the April 2016 Conservative Political Action Committee Conference:

Donald Trump loves himself first, last and everywhere in between. He loves himself more than our country, he loves himself more than the constitution. He doesnt love you, me, and he doesnt love the tea party. Donald Trump has no business thinking hes tea party and every tea party person who truly loves the constitution should take that into account when youre casting your vote.[1]

We here at IREHR tend to agree more with Martins pre-election assessment.

[1] Citied in Galloway, Jim and Tamar Hallerman. Tea partyer Jenny Beth Martin takes on Donald Trump at CPAC. April 9, 2016.

Donald TrumpJenny Beth MartinJudson PhillipsTea Party NationTea Party Patriots

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The Tea Party and the Trump Inauguration - Institute for Research & Education on Human Rights News

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