The Tea Party covers ‘Isolation,’ raising funds for COVID-19 relief, mental health –

An international rock band with roots in Windsor-Essex has put out a timely new song and video.

The Tea Party released a cover of the song Isolationby the British band Joy Division this week. The song was originally written bythe late singer Ian Curtis and recorded just months before his death in 1980.

Each member of The Tea Party recorded their elements of the cover separately.

According to bass player Stuart Chatwood, fellow bandmate Jeff Martin lives "in kind of a jungle setting in Australia," and therefore didn't have a strong enough internet connection for a real-time collaboration.

"We're a bit jealous of these people that can do live jamming with each other," Chatwood said.

The accompanying music video features recordings of the banddisplayed on smartphonescarried in desolate landscapes.

"We have this mutual friend in Australia, Bill Blair, who is an expert at shooting drone footage," explained Chatwood.

"[He] basically put the call out to a bunch of his friends around the world to go out with their cell phones and put our footage on the phones while they walked around different locations showing the isolation."

Tap to hear Chatwood'sentire conversation withAfternoon Drivehost Chris dela Torre.

The video's YouTube description asks viewers to donate to two charities, Conquer COVID-19, an organization that works to deliver personal protective equipment to frontline workers, as well as the Windsor-Essex County branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association.

"We feel that mental health is a logical place to support because you won't really feel the effects of this isolation until things get back to normal," Chatwood said.

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The Tea Party covers 'Isolation,' raising funds for COVID-19 relief, mental health -

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