This day in WND history: ‘The Tea Party Manifesto’ goes public –

The Tea Party Manifesto goes public

July 4, 2010: While America was preparing ready for a slew of books about the tea-party movement around Independence Day, there was only one called The Tea Party Manifesto that offered up a loving, reverential look at the movement along with some cautionary words from an author who predicted the movement in 2003 and who announced in 2008 it would follow the election of Barack Obama as president.

That would be the one written by Joseph Farah, author of the best-selling Taking America Back: A Radical Plan to Revive Freedom, Morality and Justice.

A lot of people are asking, What is the tea-party movement all about? What do these folks actually believe? What do they really want?' said Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND. There are also some people trying to tell tea-party activists what they can do and what they cant do. There are some politicians trying to hijack this movement. There are some activists trying to get out in front of this parade. This book explores all that and offers a blueprint for setting the course and staying the course.

Proud to be an American?

July 4, 2003: A Gallup poll in the days leading up to Independence Day in 2003 revealed a wide patriotism gap between the political right and left in America.

Eighty percent of conservatives said they were extremely proud of the country, while only 56 percent of liberals responded that way.

Some 68 percent of moderates said they were extremely proud of America.

Whites and non-whites showed a similar difference, with 73 percent of white Americans saying they were extremely proud of the country and 59 percent of non-whites responding that way.

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This day in WND history: 'The Tea Party Manifesto' goes public -

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