‘This Is What Community Looks Like’: The Left’s Fancy New ‘Tea Party’ Threatens To Devour Them Whole – Daily Caller


Democrats are hoping its their turnfor atea party.

Democrats Were Blindsided By The Tea Party Wave, The Huffington Post wrote on Feb. 8. Now Republicans Worry It Could Happen To Them.

Is The Anti-Trump Resistance The New Tea Party? The Atlantic asked on Feb. 9.

Are Democrats Having Their Tea Party Moment? Vanity Fair wondered on Feb. 10.

A New, Liberal Tea Party Is Forming, The Washington Post declared on Feb 11. Can It Last Without Turning Against Democrats?

But while a number of liberalelites in the mediaandelsewhere hope is atea-party-esque, broad and inclusive movement to hold bad government accountable, Americans across the country seerioting on behalf offoreigners, assaulting American police officers and attacking political opponents in the streets. All mixed with hopeless whining in Congress. Even the most tea-party-esque event to happen so far the massive womens march after the inauguration,included millionairecelebrities screaming about period blood and bombing the White House.

The chancesthis fiery temper tantrum after eight very successful years of rule by the left rings withthe America mostidentify with, and will help Democratregain their footing, are low. (ASTROTURF: Obama PACs Bused Protesters To GOP Town Halls)

While on Capitol Hill,minority leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi lead theirparty in self-aggrandizing walk-outs, sit-ins and accusations of racism, on the two coasts,the mass movement Democratshave waited for is busying itself scaring the hell out of Middle America.

On Jan.31, Berkeleys campus newspaper called on students to halt free speech on campus. The next day, a speech was cancelled after black-masked rioters caused $100,000in damage, breaking windows, setting fires, pepper-spraying women and attacking anyonethey disagreed with.

The day after, elected California Democratsattacked the president for threatening the universitys federal handouts, instead of condemning the rioters. No doubt they chose to side with black-cladcriminals targeting people for their words, allagainst theircommon enemy, a newly elected president. Americans took notice.

That same day, at an elite university across the country, a woman who said she was a New York University professor screamed and cursedthe countrys most storiedpolice force for not beating the speaker over his politics. The speaker, a co-founder of Vice Media, was later pepper sprayed by an attacker. Further south, a congresswoman from Florida called the Berkeley riots a beautiful sight.

It wasnt just people dressed in black who were acting militantly and everyone else is peace-loving Berkeley hippies, Yvette Felarca, a California immigration activist who self-identifies as amilitant butlikely cant do three pull-ups, told the LA Times.

Everyone cheered when those barricades were dismantled. Everyone was there with us in political agreement of the necessity of shutting it down, whatever it was going to take. It shows we have the power. I thought it was quite stunning.

The weekend after the riots, the student newspaper congratulated itself on students standing up for theirvalues.

This is what community looks like, the rioters chanted. Like an inferno? CNN anchor Jake Tapper replied.Americans took notice.

And back on the Hill, President Barack Obamas old secretary of Labor said his party should hit President Donald Trump between the eyes with a two-by-four and treat him like Mitch McConnell treated Barack Obama.

The Democrats are taking a victory lap, one Senate staffer told me as he stood in front of a Chinatown pizza shop a half hour after Trumps secretary of Education was sworn in. They dont know they lost, he laughed. Its no wonder theyre prayingfor a movement.

Indeed, the tea party leaves much for the left to admire.When itformed around seven years ago, Democratic politicianstried in vainto prove elements of racism and violencewhile conservative grassroots used peacefulorganizing to retake power, slow a liberalpresidents agenda, and push the national party in a direction they wanted. Today, the leftfinally hasitsviolence,but the plan toside with therioters and demonstrators to retake power and slow a populist presidents agendais significantly more likely toconsume than help them like an inferno.


Original post:
'This Is What Community Looks Like': The Left's Fancy New 'Tea Party' Threatens To Devour Them Whole - Daily Caller

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