Wesson Garden Club marks end of year with parties – Daily Leader – Dailyleader

The Executive Committee of the Wesson Garden Club hosted a 50s and 60s retro tea party for the members to mark the end of the Clubs year. Those attending were Marilyn Britt, Sherri Carty, Sherry Davis, Rebecca Harrison, Debbie Hoaglin, Denise Jackson, Vickie Martin, Pam McLemore, Ashley Munn, June Owens, Pam Owens, Jennifer Peets, Joy Phillips, Jean Ricks, Debbie Smith, Lisa Smith, Nancy Sullivan, Dixie Thornton, Brittney Warren, Cathy Warren, and Joy Wesbrooks. Invited guests in attendance were Paige Anderson and Cherry Head.

The American Legion Post 79 was transformed into a beautiful Tea Party setting with lots of vintage decor with beautiful tea pots, tea cups, beautifully decorated tables, awesome floral designs and accents plus, of course, delicious refreshments. Many members even wore styles of the 50s and 60s. Jean Ricks led in the reading of the Clubs Collect, June Owens blessed the food, and Debbie Smith read a beautiful poem entitled The Meaning of Garden Club Work from the National Garden Clubs A Collection of Inspirations and Installations.

After a time of fellowship and enjoying the delicious treats provided by the Executive Committee, President Dixie Thornton recapped the Clubs year and thanked the members for all their hard work throughout the year making for a very successful year. The Wesson Garden Club received five first place awards, one second place award, and one honorable mention at the 93rd Annual Convention of The Garden Clubs of Mississippi, Inc. held April 19-20, 2022 in Brandon. Awards received in the Clubs category were First Place: Garden Education Center, Carrie Avent Bird Award, Container Gardening, Social Media by Club Member/s, National Garden Week (plus Overall); Second Place: Public Relations; and Honorable Mention: Publicity Press Book. The Club also received First Place Bird Award from Deep South Garden Clubs, Inc. for the Clubs Blue Bird Trail project spearheaded by JoAnn Miller.

First time competitors in the Girl Power National Garden Clubs State Petite Design Speciality Flower Show held in Brandon on April 18, 2022 were Debbie Smith and Dixie Thornton. Debbie received honorable mention in the Serving Others Reflective Design Class and Dixie received 2nd place in the Preparing to Entertain Table Design.

The Tea Party was a great ending to a very successful and productive Club year Making Things Happen.

The Wesson Garden Club youth gardeners, the Butterbeans, held their final meeting of the school year on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 at the Wesson Park. The 3rd through 6th graders were treated to ice cream and snow cones at Park Place Ice Cream! They then enjoyed Mrs. Kris Sullivan reading her recently published book, Truly Too Green. The Butterbeans were pleased to present to Mrs. Ann Clark from the Wesson Library the book, We are The Gardeners. Thank you Butterbeans for a fun year.

The Wesson Garden Club is a member of The Garden Clubs of Mississippi, Inc., National Garden Clubs, Inc., Deep South Garden Clubs, Inc., Natchez Trace District-Garden Clubs of Mississippi, Inc.

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Wesson Garden Club marks end of year with parties - Daily Leader - Dailyleader

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