When Judge Jackson Ruled Against the IRS – The Wall Street Journal

Its safe to assume that Judge Ketanji Brown Jacksonwho was appointed to the federal bench by President Obama and has been lauded by progressiveswasnt personally a fan of the tea-party movement. But while on the bench, she defended a pro-Israel group that was seeking tax exemption against the sort of extra scrutiny the Internal Revenue Service brought to bear on many organizations associated with the tea party during the Obama administration.

The case involved Z Street, which provides information to the public on issues related to Zionism, Israel and the Middle East. At the end of 2009, it applied for tax exemption as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the tax code. Six months later, an IRS representative allegedly told Z Street a decision would be delayed because the agency had a special unit to examine requests from groups dealing with Israel to determine whether their views contradicted the Obama administrations policies.

See the original post here:
When Judge Jackson Ruled Against the IRS - The Wall Street Journal

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