Why conservative groups may be voting ‘yes’ to amend the Pa. Constitution this month – Daily American Online

In the May 18 primary election, both party-registered andindependentvoterscan vote onthreepotential amendments to the state constitutionincluding two that may changehow state government responds to future emergencies.

To influence and informlocal voters about these ballot questions, the Cambria-Somerset Tea Party is hosting a public information session at 7 p.m. on May 10 at the Masonic Temple in Johnstown, located at 130 Valley Pike.

Ashley Klingensmith, state director of Americans for Prosperity-Pennsylvania, is scheduled to attend. Bill Ragley of the Cambria-Somerset Tea Party said she'llexplaineach of the ballot questions under consideration.

"We're providing this as a public service to let people know what (the questions) are, sovoters can be informed and decide what they want to see happen," he said.

Klingensmith said the local meeting is one of about 36 similar events that have been held for voters across the state as part of their organization's #FinalSayPA voter awareness campaign.

"The first two (ballot questions) are about executive emergency powers and the third is about codifying in theconstitution (of Pennsylvania) protection from discrimination by the commonwealth,based on race or ethnicity," Klingensmith said.

"This presentation has resonated with folks from Erie to Philly, and we feel it's important to have Cambria and Somerset people exposed to this information as well. (We want) Pennsylvanians to have the final say when all is said and done."

If enacted, the constitutional changes would give the General Assembly authority to end disaster declarations such as the one made by Gov. Tom Wolf last year when the COVID-19 pandemicbroke out. Some Republicans have argued that it's unfair to givethe governor sole discretion over these declarations.

A fourth question on the ballot asks Pennsylvania voters if paid municipal fire departments and emergency medical services companies should be eligible to apply for a state loan funding program that is currently open only to volunteer organizations.

"We've only taken a position on questions one, twoand three," Klingensmith said. "Our organization is advocating for a 'yes' vote on these three, but we're not taking a position on question four."

Along with her presentation on the four ballot questions, Klingensmith said she will answer any questions voters have about the questionson the ballot. Yard signs and palm cards are also going to be available at the meeting for voters to take home or hand outat the polls.

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Why conservative groups may be voting 'yes' to amend the Pa. Constitution this month - Daily American Online

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