Community Events Listings, April 7, 2017 – News – The Times-Tribune – Scranton Times-Tribune


Families presentation: Families Helping Families program by Abington Heights Superintendent Dr. Michael McMahon, April 26, 7 p.m., Ryon Room, Abington Community Library.


Church dinner: Clifford United Methodist Church chicken-n-biscuit or ham dinner, May 16, 4-6 p.m., Main Street, takeouts available, $8.95.


School District

Open house: Dunmore Elementary Center kindergarten open house rescheduled to April 26, 6 p.m.; main office, 570-347-6794.

Forest City

Community luncheon: Stone Soup Kitchen at Christ Church free community luncheon, April 22, noon-1:30 p.m., Christ Episcopal Church, Delaware and Dundaff streets.


Bread sale: St. Michaels Orthodox Church Easter food sale, Wednesday, noon-4 p.m., church center, 403 Delaware St.; paska and loaves (plain and raisin), kielbasi, horseradish, sopressata, rolls (apricot, lekvar, nut, poppy seed, pineapple coconut and raspberry cream); 876-1456 or fax 570-876-3454, by Sunday.

Lackawanna County

Pet walk: Fifth annual Furry Friends 5K Run/Walk to Benefit Griffin Pond Animal Shelter, Sunday, registration, 8:30 a.m., 5K Run/Walk, 10, Lackawanna River Heritage Trail, starting and ending at the Olive Street Head Scranton Trail Section; $25; proceeds benefit Griffin Pond Animal Shelter; details: Anastasia Daniels 570-586-3700, ext. 514,

Basket raffle: St. Francis of Assisi Kitchen Host for a Day basket raffle April 26, 6-9 p.m., Genetti Manor, Dickson City; tickets/details, 570-342-5556.

SEEDS workshops: Sustainable Energy Education & Development Support home energy efficiency workshops in Lackawanna County, Tuesday, 6:30 p.m., Countryside Community Church, 14011 Orchard Drive, Clarks Summit; Thursday, 6:30 p.m., Northeast Environmental Technology Center, 1300 Old Plank Road, Mayfield, registration encouraged; or 570-245-1256.

Happy hour: Childrens Advocacy Center of NEPA, Greater Carbondale YMCA, Greater Scranton YMCA, Lackawanna Historical Society, United Neighborhood Centers of NEPA, West Scranton Hyde Park Neighborhood Watch, & Womens Resource Center NEPA Match Day 2017 Happy Hour event April 21, 6-8 p.m. Lucchi Family Wine Cellars, 134 N. Main Ave., Scranton;

Legal advice: Lackawanna Pro Bono Family Law Help Desk free legal advice for low-income family law problems, Wednesday, 10 a.m.-noon, Family Court Administration Office, 200 Adams Ave., Scranton; household income below 125 percent of poverty level, not represented by attorney; 570-961-2714.

Community event: Lackawanna County Greens events, April 17-23, week of social and climate justice action, fun, documentaries, biking for a cause, Earth Day tree-planting, free; Facebook:

Genealogical program: Genealogical Research Society program Remembering the Titanic and Its Shocking Local Connections by David DeCosmo, April 19, 7 p.m., society headquarters, 1100 Main St., Peckville, light fare, free, reservations recommended; 570-383-7661.

Anti-racism speaker: Penn State Worthington Scranton hosts program by anti-racist essayist author and educator Tim Wise, Wednesday, 7 p.m., Study Learning Center, 120 Ridge View Drive, Dunmore; free.


Choir performance: First Presbyterian Church presents Madrigal Choir of Binghamton concert, Iberia in the Americas, April 22, 7 p.m., 367 Church St., spiritual music and folk songs, free-will offering, no tickets necessary.


Bunny visit: Olyphant Easter egg hunt April 15, 1 p.m., Monsignor Hrynuck/Wargo Sports Complex, 700 block of East Grant Street.


Alumni gathering: Mansfield University Alumni Association gathering for alumni and friends, April 29, 5-9 p.m., Merts-Harrys, 302 Penn Ave., Scranton, hosts: Marirose Murphy 79 and Lisa Chipak Spangenberg 81, $20, includes appetizers, finger foods and soft drinks, cash bar; pay online with credit card at or by check, made payable to Mansfield University, Alumni Relations Office, Alumni Hall, Mansfield University, Mansfield, PA 16933, by April 17; alum or 888-305-6505.

PROSPER conference: Carbondale and Riverside PROmoting School-community-university Partnerships to Enhance Resilience (PROSPER) teams recognition/press conference, April 21, 9-10 a.m., Electric City Trolley Museum, 300 Cliff St., Scranton; update on research results from the PROSPER study including prescription opioid misuse outcomes, remarks by officials; Penn State Extension, 570-963-6842.

Barrel sale: Monroe County Conservation District rain barrel sale order deadline Wednesday, pickup, April 22, 11 a.m.- 2 p.m., Monroe County Earth Day, Monroe Campus of Northampton County Community College, Tannersville; Pennsylvania-made, screened lid, brass ball valve spigot, bottom drain, overflow fittings, on repurposed barrel, $80 plus tax; call Annie, 570-629-3060, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. or visit

Susquehanna County

Sunday devotions: Divine Mercy Sunday devotions, April 23 (Sunday following Easter), 2:45 p.m., St. Lawrence Catholic Church, 380 Franklin St., Great Bend; Mass, exposition of the blessed sacrament, Divine Mercy Chaplet, praises to the Divine Mercy, rosary, St. Faustinas Litany to the Blessed Sacrament, veneration of the relic of St. Faustina; refreshments follow in parish Trinity Center; Lorraine James, 570-465-3393 or parish office.

West Scranton

Bake sale: St. Ann Maronite Church Palm Sunday bake sale, Saturday, 3-6 p.m., and Sunday, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., North Sumner Avenue and Price Street; homemade Lebanese pastries, baked goods, spinach pies, meat pies and Lebanese thin bread available; 570-344-2129.

Pasta dinner: St. Lucys 40th annual spaghetti dinner, April 26 and 27, 5-8 p.m., St. Lucys Church auditorium, 949 Scranton St.; takeouts start, 3 p.m.; $10/adults, $5/children under 12, at door

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Community Events Listings, April 7, 2017 - News - The Times-Tribune - Scranton Times-Tribune

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