White Privilege: The Development of Culture Capital …

Tim Wise is a anti-racism speaker and author of books such as Colorblind: The Rise of Post-Racial Politics and the Retreat from Racial Equity and White Like Me: Reflections on Race From a Privileged Son. This clip of his speech, he discusses the origins of White Privilege, and the mindset of racism which has developed by the elite class since the 1600s. I found his ideas very interesting, because it seemed to directly reflect Marita Bonners, The Purple Flower.He paints this image of the poor white class in the 1600s, as the indentured servants of the elite class. As the colonies developed in the new world, power needed to be retained and developed. So the poor class were given some land and servants (slaves), this arbitrary power was set. Yet they had no idea how much they were being manipulated. They wanted to reach Somewhere even if that meant stepping on the backs of others. But they did not know that reaching that flower on a pedestal was futile.Through Wises example he show how Bonners white devils found a way to retain their privilege, this culture capital, and toy with the Us. I see how this is possible. Everyone does not wish to be the bottom of the totem pole. Everyone wants to have power over another. By giving them this feeling of power over the slaves, they feel closer to reaching Somewhere, despite that they are no better than the black people to which they step on.

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