President of Estonia: Ukraine can receive support within Three Seas Initiative funds – Ukrinform. Ukraine and world news

Poland and Estonia must demonstrate solidarity and support their partners in the east, in particular Ukraine. One of the mechanisms to support Kyiv is the assistance within the funds of the Three Seas Initiative.

President of Estonia Kersti Kaljulaid made a corresponding statement during a joint press conference with President of Poland Andrzej Duda in Warsaw on Tuesday, an Ukrinform correspondent reported.

According to Kaljulaid, Poland and Estonia need to work more closely with the Eastern Partnership countries. She noted that more efforts should be made to hold "as soon as possible" a real meeting with the leaders of the Eastern Partnership countries, which has not been held since 2017.

In addition, we can use our possibilities to help Ukraine get closer to our economies and to our understanding of Europe's future. The Three Seas Initiative can help in this context, Kaljulaid said.

According to her, Ukraine, though it is not EU member, can receive assistance from various funds within the Three Seas Initiative.

In turn, Duda noted that President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky had informed the presidents of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia in Warsaw the day before that Russian troops had been returning to their permanent locations from Ukraines borders.

However, that was a demonstration of the strength of the Russian army. In my opinion, NATO should draw conclusions," Duda said.

He added that the issue would be discussed at the Bucharest Nine summit in Bucharest in a few days and at the NATO summit in Brussels in June.

As reported, on May 3, the presidents of Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia met in Warsaw to celebrate the 230th anniversary of the adoption of the 3 May Constitution. The presidents of the five countries signed a joint declaration, which emphasizes that the solidarity of nations under current threats to common security is one of the cornerstones of peace, stability, development, prosperity, and resilience.

In addition, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky and President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda signed a joint declaration of Warsaw's support for Kyiv's European aspirations.


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President of Estonia: Ukraine can receive support within Three Seas Initiative funds - Ukrinform. Ukraine and world news

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