Ukraine: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News – Huffington Post

Nadiya Savchenko sits behind bars in a Russian prison, the prospect of a 23-year sentence looming before her. The strength of this Ukrainian woman is ...

Kelli Stuart

Novelist, history enthusiast, Russian speaker, mom, driver of a smokin' hot minivan...

With summer creeping up around the corner, it's time to start thinking about your upcoming travel plans! After visiting 75+ countries since 201...

Drew Goldberg

Travel blogger, fun seeker, social media guru, people-person

We must remember the struggle we faced to gain independence, the blood that was shed on our own land in the name of freedom, and we must willingly stand alongside those who are fighting for the same.

Kelli Stuart

Novelist, history enthusiast, Russian speaker, mom, driver of a smokin' hot minivan...

It's become commonplace to speak of the global war on terror as a "forever war." But perhaps the problem runs a great deal deeper. Perhaps we are no longer able to end any wars.

John Feffer

Director, Foreign Policy In Focus and Editor, LobeLog

Republican voters face a bad choice. The Donald's shortcomings are manifest. Marco Rubio may be young, well-spoken, and attractive. But his foreign policy judgment is awful. If you want more foolish, costly, and unnecessary wars, vote for Rubio.

On February 3, 2016, Kazakhstan's president Nursultan Nazarbayev made a symbolically powerful decree on how Kazakh soldiers should march during milita...

Here's to home, but still, here's to a world bigger than right on Hereford, left on Boyltson. Here's to Mount Saint James, and the tower bell. Here's to happy endings. We all deserve them.

Despite all the focus in Europe on refugees, terrorism and Brexit, there is one region which still requires the attention of both European elite as well as its society -- Eastern Europe. We are at risk of losing our focus in the region, and this could hurt countries that are attempting to finally shed their Soviet heritage.

A plain Soviet-era office block squats on a residential street in the beautiful historic city of Lviv, Ukraine. The lobby is dimly lit and there is...

Diane M. Francis

Senior Fellow Atlantic Council Eurasia Section in Washington DC, Adjunct Faculty Singularity University in Mountain Vie the National Post in Canada, a Distinguished Professor at Ryerson Universitys Ted Rogers School of Management, author of 10 books

What would Russia gain from attacking the Baltics? A recalcitrant, majority non-ethnic Russian population. A possible temporary nationalist surge at home. A likely short-lived victory over the West. The costs would be far greater.

Image: Stock Photo. Pronina Most residents of the former Soviet Union hate the corruption that prevents everyone but a tiny ...

Armine Sahakyan

Human rights activist based in Armenia, Columnist with the Kyiv Post

Hate the cold but love winter clothes ? Designers Anna October and Lalo's dreamy and fluffy knitwear are must-haves. From Kuzyomin's timeless sophi...

Sissi Johnson

FashionTech, Sustainability & Lifestyle. Catch me in Paris, NYC or @AskSissi

Co-authored with Richard Burt Since 1962, the year after the Berlin Wall was constructed, the annual Munich Security Conference (MSC) has helped prop...

All the miscalculations and all the reckless rhetoric by the Russian and American superpowers over all those years have achieved just one thing. They repeatedly brought civilization far too close to its termination.

So far at Berlinale, there have been groundbreaking films, films about love, films about current affairs, movies about the past and some looking to the future. Some push the boundaries of reality, while others really stick our noses into the nitty gritty of surviving.

The recent backroom bi-laterals talks between the United States and Russia about Ukraine have caused anxiety in the region, raised hopes that sanctions could be lifted, and elevated Russian President Vladimir Putin's status to super power level.

Diane M. Francis

Senior Fellow Atlantic Council Eurasia Section in Washington DC, Adjunct Faculty Singularity University in Mountain Vie the National Post in Canada, a Distinguished Professor at Ryerson Universitys Ted Rogers School of Management, author of 10 books

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Ukraine: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News - Huffington Post

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