40+ SEO Tools of the Trade

The ongoing SEO responsibility of attaining and retaining a productive organic search engine presence requires patience, tenacity, and a focus on every detail that might have an impact. Moderated by Thom Craver (@thomcraver), Web and Database Specialist, Saunders College (RIT), The Tools of the Trade for SEO panel at SES New York 2012 pulled together more than 40 tools in this whirlwind session.

Michael King (@iPullRank), SEO Manager, Publicis Modem, came up first with his presentation, Tools for Pulling Rank Nearly Every Tool Youll Ever Need EVER. King's presentation provided the comprehensive list of tools for the advanced and aspiring SEO professional to investigate.

Here is a short list of most (certainly not all) of those tools covered:

Some of the tools above were proprietary or built upon functionality inherent to the understanding and administration of available resources. King's perspective: "the ability to code gives you super powers."

Fortunately for conference attendees and Search Engine Watch readers (and writers), King was kind enough to provide his presentation on Slideshare. What was King's most important tool for SEO? His brain. More on that connectivity a bit later in the session.

There actually is a relatively non-Bing, non-Google world online. In Asian markets, Baidu commands as much as 80 percent of the market and only in Japan has Google teamed up to provide a search engine presence.

T.R. Harrington (@netchina),Chief Operating Officer, Darwin Marketing, took the session down a different path overseas but started with a quick poll.

How do you find SEO tools: webinar, reviews, peer recommendations, or by performing a search? The majority of SES New York attendees used peer recommendations or performed searches. According to a SkyRocket survey, 77 perent used peer recommendations to find these types of tools. Bottom line: recommendation.

For keyword research, Baidu Insights is an excellent option with free user demographics. The only drawback? Lack of English UI. Harringtonnoted that for certain brand-based keywords, search results look much more like a branded microsite. Baidu also puts a significant amount of paid search ads in the left-hand side.

For monitoring, Advanced Web Ranking for works well for Baidu. There is also SERP Update Monitoring for Yandex (Russia): Update Analyzer. In China there was also Super Manager for ranking monitoring (unfortunately uncertain about the link reference on this one).

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40+ SEO Tools of the Trade

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