Ann Coulter flips out over Trumps immigration flip-flop …

AnnCoulters new book was just released and has likely already been rendered irrelevant before hitting most bookshelves nationwide.

In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!,is, no surprise, a full-throated endorsement of Trump, who the controversial conservative commentator says is the countrys last hope to preserve its culture and save the (white) working class.

In the book, Coulter, a longtime Trump booster, writes that theres nothing Trump can do that wont be forgiven. Except change his immigration policies.

But now that Trumpis finally revving up his long-awaited pivot to do just that, Coulter is freaking out.

With Trumps first hints of an evolution on his immigration positions, Coulter was quick to cover for him.

Its just rhetoric but its still annoying, Coulter told The Hill at her book signing Wednesdaynight. I think he panicked and he had to say [it] I dont think he is softening. I mean the big thing is the wall.

But then the second part of Trumps Fox News town hall special on immigration with Sean Hannity aired. In front of a friendly Texas crowd,Trump floated a possible process to allow undocumented immigrants to remain in America, a complete reversal from the inhumane mass deportation plan that helped him win the crowded GOP primary.

No citizenship, Trump told Hannity in the specialtaped Tuesday afternoon. Let me go a step further theyll pay back-taxes, they have to pay taxes, theres no amnesty, as such, theres no amnesty, but we work with them.

And has become customary, Trump attempted to sell his latest flip-flop as a routine reaction to his supporters wants.

Look, this is like a poll, theres thousands of people in this room, Trump said. Who wants those people thrown out?

The Fox News crowd responded with incoherent cheers and yells.

Everywhere I go, I get the same reaction. They want toughness, they want firmness, they want to obey the law. But but, they feel that throwing them out as a whole family when theyve been here for a long time, its a tough thing. They do feel that, Trump added.

That was the last straw for Coulter, who took to Twitter to blast Trumps creeping shift:


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Ann Coulter flips out over Trumps immigration flip-flop ...

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