Freedom Financial Network Offers 8 Tips on Planning for the Unexpected, Before and After Disaster

San Mateo, CA (PRWEB) March 20, 2012

The recent spate of tornadoes in the Midwest highlights an urgent need for Americans to be financially prepared for a disaster or emergency, according to Kevin Gallegos, vice president of Phoenix operations for Freedom Financial Network (FFN).

The statistics on debt are especially worrisome when it comes to being prepared, said Gallegos. In 2011, 98 natural disasters in the United States caused $27 billion in losses and left thousands of people without homes, and in some cases without livelihoods. In 2010, there were nearly 500,000 structure fires around the country. Bills from medical procedures are estimated to cause more than 60 percent of bankruptcy filings. Any of these situations could result in the loss of a job, marital stress, and a significant increase in debt, Gallegos noted.

Pre-planning is an important part of that preparation for a financial emergency, said Gallegos. Its also smart to have a sense of what to do should a disaster strike home or community.

Before a disaster

A disaster can happen to anyone, anywhere. It is impossible to be fully prepared, but these tips can help people be as prepared as possible.

1.Build an emergency fund. Everyone should set aside a portion of monthly income for savings. Individuals can establish a monthly savings goal and turn that into a "bill" to pay along with other bills. To simplify this process, a bank can automatically transfer the money into savings accounts. Emergency fund money should be kept in a savings account that is accessible via ATM card or electronic withdrawal, said Gallegos, so that even if one geographic area has a disaster, the account holder can still access the funds.

2.Obtain appropriate insurance. Home, auto, health, disability, and life insurance provide peace of mind and help people recover from disasters. People living in disaster-prone areas might consider separate flood insurance (homeowners policies do not cover flood losses). An annual review with an insurance adviser can confirm proper coverage.

3.Back up papers and information. Records of all important information that might be needed in a disaster, such as phone numbers, account numbers, bank and credit card information, is key. Storing these records in a portable format as well as in online storage will ensure they are accessible from a remote location in case of emergency.

4.Be prepared. Beyond keeping up with the news and understanding regional risks, the U.S. government recommends all residents have emergency preparedness kits ( includes information on what to include).

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Freedom Financial Network Offers 8 Tips on Planning for the Unexpected, Before and After Disaster

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