Ghana: Digital Dumping Ground (2 of 2) – Video

Corporate socialism = maximize profit, socialize risk "Had President Obama seen the e-waste dump in Accra, Ghana, I am sure he would have been emotionally affected as he was during his visit to Cape Coast Castle." ..."hundreds of thousands of tons of American e-waste makes its way into China, despite laws intended to stop it." PBS documentary: Ghana, Digital Dumping Ground "Just a few miles from Hong Kongs port, hidden behind eight-foot-high corrugated walls, are mountains of computer monitors, printer cartridges from Georgia, relics of old video arcades In China, e-waste has become big business. The southern Chinese city of Guiyu has been completely built around the e-waste trade. Miles and miles of nothing but old electronics.

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Ghana: Digital Dumping Ground (2 of 2) - Video

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