Google Webmaster Tools Tries To Simplify Search Queries Report

A couple weeks ago, we reported that Google Webmaster Tools added features. But I missed some of the design updates to the web reports.

If you go to the search query report, you will see that Google cleaned up those charts by defaulting the report to not show percent (delta) changes in the report. Here is an animated GIF showing me turning on more details and turning them off:

I don't know if this went live the same time we reported the other changes but there are subtle differences here.

A WebmasterWorld thread has one user complaining the reports look unprofessional. But I personally like the look. Here is what he said:

They've changed the graphs and the number of keywords under the search queries from 10 to 25. The graph looks rather unprofessional, especially at the point when a peak is reached as it is cut off.

Functionality in this section has now been dumbed down, as you are required to switch from "Basic" to "With Change" listings to retain functionality. As with other Google services, advanced features have disappeared altogether or been moved.

Tedster, the WebmasterWorld administrator, said despite what you think, it makes the reports "more useful" and I do agree.

Forum discussion at WebmasterWorld.

Read more here:
Google Webmaster Tools Tries To Simplify Search Queries Report

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