Hyperinflation not possible but $13125 gold is? – Martin Armstrong – Video

03-06-2012 18:03 DISCLAIMER: Not advice! I don't know where the price of anything will go! Martin Armstrong "hyperinflation takes place ONLY in a peripheral economy and cannot take place within the core economy. Everything would collapse long before hyperinflation would unfold" "Gold has not risen sharply yet simply because the world is not ready to grasp the idea that government debts are not stable. Once they realize that fact, gold will rise dramatically just as it did from 1976 at $100 into 1980 reaching $875. Such an advance today from $1500 gold would be $13125 gold" Electronic Money The Real Conspiracy: Are Commodities Preparing for a Major Rally:

Originally posted here:
Hyperinflation not possible but $13125 gold is? - Martin Armstrong - Video

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