Insert Coin: Instaprint offers portable photo booths for Instagram (video)

In Insert Coin, we look at an exciting new tech project that requires funding before it can hit production. If you'd like to pitch a project, please send us a tip with "Insert Coin" as the subject line. While the design hasn't changed much since we spied Instaprint precisely a year ago, the creators behind the Instagram-connected photo printers are now looking for cash -- your cash. Pitched as an event or party service, you can assign specific tags or locations to the printer, hopefully assuring all those instant snaps have at least a passing connection to whoever or whatever paid for all that photo paper. The technology is all a bit Polaroid, as the printers themselves are ink-free Zink types, limited only by however many blank sheets you have inside. Instaprint has set itself the heady target $500,000, with $260,000 of that sum going towards existing hardware and future production. The $399 investment option will net you your very own InstaPrint system, while sepia-tinted image obsessives can offer up 1,449 for the pro kit, containing one WiFi hub printer, three more connectable InstaPrint devices and 80 sheets of inkless paper for your premier cat photo collection/ food gallery get-together. See how it all works right after the break. Update: With 22 days to go, last week's Insert Coin star, the Unruly housing for GoPro cameras, has assembled $16,255 of its $25,000 target. There's still time to make the adventure camera add-on a commercial reality -- donate over $128 and you'll nab one of the first multi-mount frames off its production line.

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BREAKFAST uses crowd-funding to develop the device for consumer use NEW YORK - March 2, 2012 - Today BREAKFAST launched Instaprint on Kickstarter. Instaprint is a location-based photo booth that turns Instagrams into physical prints. Set the device to listen for a specic hashtag and/or location and watch as it prints out all Instagrams with those tags, comments and all. Breakfast released a few prototypes of Instaprint last year and they have since been rented for use at various large-scale events - from store openings to product launches, even nding their way to The Grammys and Lady Gaga concerts at Madison Square Garden. Now Breakfast wants to create a consumer version of Instaprint that can be used anywhere: weddings, bars, restaurants, retail stores, large and small events, ofces, and even just to have on your wall at home. The funding raised on Kickstarter will allow BREAKFAST to rene the existing Instaprint prototype into a consumer-ready device. Supporters of the project can pre-order a Home Kit of one Instaprint for $399. For higher volume printing, multiple Instaprints can be daisy-chained together. Kits with two, three and four Instaprints are available for $749, $1049 and $1,449, respectively. For anyone that contributes without pre-ordering a device, collages of Instaprint prints are also available as a reward. If the Kickstarter project is successfully funded, the Instaprint kits will ship in early Fall 2012. Throughout the Kickstarter campaign, Breakfast will stream a live "try-it-out" feed of Instaprint printing people's Instagrams from around the world. Anyone that posts an Instagram and tags it with #instaprint can visit the Instaprint page on Kickstarter or to watch as their photo is printed

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Insert Coin: Instaprint offers portable photo booths for Instagram (video)

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