New technology helps plow drivers adjust to conditions

Interstate-29 from Fargo to the South Dakota border is back open after being closed by the snowstorm. To open the road the North Dakota DOT is using a whole new set of tools.

As North Dakota DOT plow hit the highways today some of them have an extra set of eyes traveling along.

Bruce Nord North Dakota DOT: They're all in line. This is a new photo.

Some of the plows are now equipped with cameras that allow supervisors back at the base to watch the road with them.

Bruce Nord: "We know what it's like down there right now, and its just another tool."

It's not just to check on road conditions, it can help make decisions that keep the drivers safe.

Bruce Nord: "Ive got some guys that, it's really, really got to get bad before they pull the pin and go back to the barn or they'd just stay out there.

Technology is not only helping the DOT monitor road conditions it's also helping them decide when to apply salt and chemicals. Tyler Rupp's plow is equipped with a GPS, but it's not like the one that's on our cars.

Tyler Rupp ND DOT Plow Driver: It doesn't guide me but it tracks what I do, so how long it takes me to plow, how much material I put down. All that goes into data.

That GPS data is combined with other factors.

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New technology helps plow drivers adjust to conditions

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