Thunder SEO Announces Monique Pouget to Speak at SMX West 2012

San Diego-based online marketing agency, Thunder SEO, announces their Senior SEO and Social Media Strategist, Monique Pouget, has been selected to speak at the Search Marketing Expo SMX West 2012 conference. The topic Pouget will be speaking on is “Justifying the Investment: Analytics for Social Media;” she will also be participating in an Analytics Clinic.

San Diego, CA (PRWEB) February 20, 2012

Thunder SEO, an online marketing agency in San Diego, California, announces their Senior SEO and Social Media Strategist, Monique Pouget, has been selected to speak at the Search Marketing Expo SMX West 2012 conference. The topic Pouget will be speaking on is “Justifying the Investment: Analytics for Social Media;” she will also be participating in an Analytics Clinic.

The “Justifying the Investment: Analytics for Social Media” panel will take place on day three of SMX West. The panel will be moderated by Greg Finn, Chief Marketing Officer of Cypress North. Other speakers in the panel will include: Tami Dalley, Vice President of Analytics and Insights at Buddy Media, Merry Morud, Account Manager at aimClear, and Courtney Seiter, Community Manager at Raven Tools. The speakers will discuss emerging social media analytics methods and how to establish and document social media Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). They will also suggest tools that can be used to measure ROI in social media marketing activities.

“The hands-on experience, detailed case studies and vast knowledge of social networks that Monique brings to the table is simply invaluable information for all those in the audience,” said panel moderator, Greg Finn. “This type of executable information that can be applied to all attendees is one of the reasons that SMX conferences continue to thrive year after year.”

“I’m really looking forward to both attending and contributing to SMX West,” said Pouget. “Conferences of this caliber are few and far between, and the insights and tactics you gain from fellow search marketers are definitely invaluable.”

SMX West will take place in San Jose, California, February 28 - March 1, 2012 at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center. Over 130 of the world’s most knowledgeable search marketers will be presenting at SMX West, including Pouget, as well as her colleagues, Max Thomas, President and Founder of Thunder SEO, and Gary Magnone, Senior SEO Strategist at Thunder SEO.

Founded in 2007 in San Diego, CA, Thunder SEO supports clients with innovative and results-driven online marketing solutions integrating social media, content optimization and promotion, link building strategies and implementation, local search and mobile marketing, online promotions and sweepstakes, public relations and online reputation management. Thunder SEO is located at 2920 North Park Way, San Diego, CA 92104. For more information on Thunder SEO, call (619) 618-2396 or visit them online at


Georgia Hitchcock
Thunder SEO
Email Information

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Thunder SEO Announces Monique Pouget to Speak at SMX West 2012

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