Urban Dictionary: #tommy sotomayor

Black Terminatrix 1000. It's a play on the model from the Terminator. Talk show host and YouTube celebrity Tommy Sotomayor coined the term. He uses it to refer to specific women (hoodrats as he refers to them) which are according to him, destroying the Black community. He frequently refers to the DSE (which stands for Dark Skinned Edition) and LSE (light skinned edition).

Cyberdine Systems just lost another BT-1000. They apparently claimed she was kidnapped from school during lunch time.

Origin of word: Tommy Sotomayor

A black male, usually a SIMP, that flexes artifical possessions, achievements, promises, or money to stand out, usually to impress a female. These males usually don't focus on their future in life, but instead, focus only on madden, drugs, 2k, jordans, a female, or passing out mixtapes in usual places. The majority of these peacocks are seen in reservations known as the homes of black women.

"Why is that nigga wearing a bright red shirt and a long goal chain? He's broke."

"He's a chocolate peacock."


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Urban Dictionary: #tommy sotomayor

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