Zimbabwe: Diamond Cash Hidden in Tax-Free Havens

The timely revelations by Global Witness of unspecified amounts of diamonds cash being hidden in tax-free-havens of Mauritius, Hong Kong and the British Virgin Islands vindicate our earlier concerns.

The diamonds report caught Mugabe's militarised loyalists unawares, in the wake of a major propaganda campaign about "how sanctions were causing typhoid".

The inner circle has try every trick in the book to be de-listed by the EU and the US, especially after SADC colleagues led by Zuma failed to sway the EU Parliament, the 2 million signature petition flopped and Tomana's litigation of the EU appears to have died a natural death.

The expose shows the devastating power of information over propaganda and its serious implications for the Mugabe regime and the Kimberley Process.

The busting of the regime's alleged secret diamonds looting spree sounds like "The Emperor's New Clothes".

According to Answers.com, the story by Hans Christian Anderson goes like this. An emperor hires two tailors who promise to make him a set of remarkable new clothes that will be invisible to anyone who is either incompetent or stupid.

When the emperor goes to see his new clothes, he sees nothing at all - for the tailors are swindlers and there aren't any clothes.

Afraid of being judged incompetent or stupid, the emperor pretends to be delighted with the new clothes and "wears" them in a grand parade through the town.

Everyone else also pretends to see them, until a child yells out, "He hasn't got any clothes on!"

In this case, as some NGOs are reportedly pleading for 'Mugabe's bail', Global Witness has pointed out the emptiness of the pretensions of the regime's propaganda about Marange diamonds being "clean" and "knocking down world prices".

Read more:
Zimbabwe: Diamond Cash Hidden in Tax-Free Havens

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