Dr. Vesco-Mock: Parvovirus is killing puppies in Doña Ana County

Parvo is hitting the puppies of Doa Ana County hard as summer wanes. The Animal Service Center of the Mesilla Valley started seeing cases the second week in August and they have not let up. Almost daily, the second little blue dot is turning up on the snap test (only one blue dot is desired - that would be a negative test.)

It breaks my heart that more than 30 puppies had to die from this virus in August in Doa Ana County.

The ASCMV teamed up with the Doa Ana County Humane Society to produce a PSA and billboards to show just how deadly and yet how preventable parvo is. Look for them around the county.

Parvovirus is a viral disease of dogs. It affects puppies much more frequently than it affects adult dogs because they have immature immune systems. The virus grows in rapidly dividing cells. The intestinal lining has the biggest concentration of rapidly dividing cells in a puppy's body so that is where the virus likes to live.

What are the symptoms of parvo?

The big three are vomiting, foul-smelling diarrhea and lethargy. Symptoms usually begin with a high fever, lethargy, depression and loss of appetite. Secondary symptoms appear as severe gastrointestinal distress, such as vomiting and bloody diarrhea. In many cases, dehydration (due to not being able to absorb nutrients or liquids), shock, and

How is this killer virus transmitted?

Canine parvovirus is carried by dogs. Any adult dog can be a carrier, whether it is showing clinical signs or not. In other words, you should consider every dog as a potential carrier.

Generally, it takes seven to 10 days from the time of exposure for dogs and puppies to start showing symptoms and to test positive for the virus. Parvo is highly contagious to unprotected dogs, and the virus can remain infectious in ground contaminated with fecal material for years in the correct conditions.

Parvo is an extremely hardy virus and most disinfectants cannot kill it. Chlorine bleach is the most effective and inexpensive agent that works.

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Dr. Vesco-Mock: Parvovirus is killing puppies in Doña Ana County

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