West Nile Virus: How To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes

With nearly 1,100 cases andat least 44 deaths from West Nile Virus nationwide, you may have questions on how to protect yourself and your family. Getting rid of mosquitoes is one way. The University of Illinois Extension Service provided these tips:

Once again mosquitoes are causing problems in Illinois this summer, and University of Illinois Extension professionals caution gardeners may be more at risk of their bites. Though no human cases of West Nile Virus have been reported in the QC area there have been mosquitoes testing positive in nearby counties.

Gardeners are particularly vulnerable to mosquitoes this time of year because we garden early in the morning or late in the evening to avoid the heat. Of course, that's the time most of the mosquitoes are out, too.

Mosquitoes have been blamed for spreading the recent outbreak of West Nile Virus in the state and can also spread such other diseases as St. Louis encephalitis and eastern equine encephalitis.

There basically are two ways gardeners can protect themselves from mosquitoes eliminating the breeding sites and dealing with the adult mosquitoes.

As for eliminating potential breeding sites, empty water or change it at least once a week in saucers under plants, birdbaths and plants that hold water such as bromeliads.

If you have a water feature in your garden, it's OK if you have moving water, since mosquitoes won't breed in moving water. You're also OK if you have goldfish in it, since the fish will take care of the larvae swimming on the water's surface. Koi are not effective in controlling mosquito larvae since the fish are bottom feeders.

But you'll want to take some precautions like using an insecticide that kills larvae such as Mosquito Dunks in any water feature that has standing water and doesn't have fish.

To deal with adult mosquitoes, the methods can range from simply using relatively low-cost mosquito repellents to more expensive, high-tech methods.

Those who are inclined to make the investment can try high-tech mosquito traps, such as the Mosquito Magnet, on the market. Those devices use a combination of a propane tank, a carbon dioxide generator, an electric fan and other elements to attract and trap mosquitoes. They attract some mosquitoes, but not others. Their effectiveness varies with wind and other weather conditions and the number of mosquitoes present. Although they attract and kill large numbers of mosquitoes, they may not eliminate enough to protect you from bites.

Read the rest here:
West Nile Virus: How To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes

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