Morning Word, 07-19-12

Is New Mexico a swing state again? Well, probably not.

Public Policy Polling released the presidential results of its poll in New Mexico. It showed that Barack Obama's lead over Mitt Romney is just five percent. This is closer to the razor-thin margins of Bush/Gore and Bush/Kerry than the blowout of Obama/McCain.

As with any poll in any race, you have to caution that it is just one poll. Looking at the average of all polls in a race will always be more accurate than relying on any one poll. If other polls start to show Romney closing the gap, then maybe New Mexico will move towards swing state status. But also expect it to mean those devastating ads tying Romney to Bain capital that have been helping Obama in other states will start showing up on news broadcasts in New Mexico.

One interesting thing to note about the poll -- it was of all New Mexico voters, not likely voters as other recent polls have been.

However, the fake document was dated Dec. 10, 2011, five days before the state auditors Dec. 15 deadline for the document.

Continued here:
Morning Word, 07-19-12

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